The Writings of dona witmer
Treasures of Darkness
An Excerpt from Dona’s Canticle
“He holds me in the wings of His being
He is within and without, I feel Him surround me in love
He covers me with His righteousness
He illumines my soul with His radiance
He clothes me with purity of light
I am one with Him and He is one with me
I am His but am not consumed
He owns me but I am free to do His will
He sets me upon high places
He walks with me in the stillness of waters
He is my comfort in this place of death
He is my fortress in this place of living waters
I will forever live in His temple”
There were many more writings than I was ever aware of. Mom loved to write. She had intimate journals to the Lord and she took notes on everything: every video, every podcast, even books. Her writings were so vast it was impossible to save it all, or to even know the context of some of it. My family saved her more prominent works and now they are displayed here.
Dona’s Writings
Noah’s Ark Research Paper
Angels in Scripture
Canticle of the Soul
The words of my mom, Dona Witmer, from May 15th, 2001: He is so strong this morning that I cannot not sleep in body. A canticle of sorts runs through me and I feel Him surround me in perfect love. I had to get up and write of my love for Him and His for me. He holds...