Justice. The world tends to agree that justice is deserved. For inequality. For victims. For crimes. Who doesn’t agree with justice? Who wouldn’t want justice given to them in their lives? The Bible says the very throne of God is built on the pillars of justice and righteousness. Psalm 89:14.

But God revealed to me in an all-consuming spiritual wallop that justice cannot come without judgement. I knew that, but I didn’t know the depth of it. It was suddenly made clear. Deep. And not such an easy thing.

When we call for justice, we call for judgement. When it is justice for ourselves, we are literally crying to God to judge and search us and find us approved in the divine courts of heaven. And when we call it for someone else, we speak that over them. Judge them, Lord. Judge them and reach a verdict, because that is where the justice comes from.

Are we ready for that? Really ready to be judged by the Lord of Heaven’s Armies? It is not a bad thing when your heart is right and covered by the righteous blood of Jesus. We should cry for justice as the widow cries when we are wronged. But we should also remember that justice requires judgement, and we should be to be sure to show ourselves approved before we cry.