You Carry the Church Within

You Carry the Church Within

“God has given me two more children. You and Aaron are now my godson and goddaughter.” The touching words are from a dear sister in Christ: a Holy Spirit filled prayer warrior who is mantled with meekness. But less than three weeks ago, I didn’t know...
Faith Is…

Faith Is…

In undoubtedly the most trying year I’ve ever been through, Jesus has performed miraculous healing and change…in ways I have never experienced before. I’ve learned that we beg for the miraculous, but we don’t expect it to be wrapped in a...
“I Got Him.”

“I Got Him.”

It had been a rough day for everyone in the family. My daughter, Bella, was praying out sudden sickness in her throat. My husband, Aaron, was crippled with a headache, fatigue, and soreness. He had just gotten news that his uncle was being rushed to a hospital for...
Bible Prophecy is a Tree of Life

Bible Prophecy is a Tree of Life

The Bible is a tree of life. I just saw it flash before me while listening to Micheal Heiser and Chad Bird on the Naked Bible #408 podcast.Chad was describing how the Bible is built in layers, with the Torah being the base, and each subsequent layer and prophet...
Believe the Whole Bible?  Then You Must be Pro-Life.

Believe the Whole Bible? Then You Must be Pro-Life.

I’m going to be bold: You can’t be a whole Bible believing Christian and be pro-choice. Now I’m going to add a verse to the pro-life arsenal that the Spirit revealed to me yesterday, but first a few common verses that already support life being recognized in the womb:...