Crimson Fox – Art with a Cause

Crimson Fox – Art with a Cause

Wolf of Benjamin is stepping out to help advance God’s kingdom by raising funds through artwork. Crimson Fox is the third painting being offered in an online bidding auction and is bound to be a favorite. The depth and paint layering done on this...
Storm Break – Art with a Cause

Storm Break – Art with a Cause

Wolf of Benjamin is stepping out to help advance God’s kingdom by raising funds through artwork. Storm Break is the second painting being offered in an online bidding auction. The stark ray of light on a cobalt blue 16″x20″ background almost glows in...
5/17/2020 Worship Art

5/17/2020 Worship Art

I was asked to paint for today’s service…at 10pm last night…with the request that I don’t sketch anything out beforehand and let it be all Holy Spirit led. Of course I had to say yes, but I was a little nervous. So far I have always sketched my...
4/26/2020 Dreams

4/26/2020 Dreams

I woke with two very vivid dreams on my mind this morning. Both were tied to some reflections I had the day prior and I was sending them to a friend. A few verses in Psalm 59 jumped out at me.  59:9 – But you, Lord, will laugh at them, you will have all the...