The Warhorse and the Plow

The Warhorse and the Plow

A huge gray warhorse has visited me twice in dreams, and he’s absolutely magnificent. He was being carelessly ridden by a young boy in the first dream and was running off after the rider had fallen or dismounted or otherwise left him. I calmed him and spoke to him,...
12/3/2020 – Prophesy Dry Bones to Life

12/3/2020 – Prophesy Dry Bones to Life

I woke with last night’s dream fresh on my mind. Spoken words from prayers in the midnight hours hours rang again in my head with the morning light: “Prophesy dry bones to life.” In the dream, my husband and I were trying to rebuild a young deer. We...


My daughter came to me that she had a dream where she was thirsty and she went to the kitchen to get water from the fridge.  It was black like ours, but it didn’t have any handles, doors, or pictures on it.  There was a square to get water from and she used...
When the Battle Hits Home

When the Battle Hits Home

The Lord will teach my hands to war. He says so in his Holy Book. Yet sometimes I waver. Sometimes the battle hits in the home and I start to question or wonder what I am doing wrong. Such a battle happened recently. My daughter repented and severed herself from a...
4/26/2020 Dreams

4/26/2020 Dreams

I woke with two very vivid dreams on my mind this morning. Both were tied to some reflections I had the day prior and I was sending them to a friend. A few verses in Psalm 59 jumped out at me.  59:9 – But you, Lord, will laugh at them, you will have all the...