by wolfadmin | Aug 28, 2021 | Reflections
On 8/22/2021, you lost your battle to Covid and I lost my best friend and mother. The family and I prayed so hard for you. God’s timing is not what I thought it would be to call you home, but I lay down my expectations and trust him. I trust the battle we prayed...
by wolfadmin | Jul 9, 2021 | Reflections, Worship Art
Faith. The evidence of things unseen, the things that are hoped for. I was listening to Blake Healy preach this week and he brought up the issue of faith and how we try to compare it on levels instead of acknowledging different kinds of faith. He said, “we like to...
by wolfadmin | May 27, 2021 | Reflections
Justice. The world tends to agree that justice is deserved. For inequality. For victims. For crimes. Who doesn’t agree with justice? Who wouldn’t want justice given to them in their lives? The Bible says the very throne of God is built on the pillars of justice and...
by wolfadmin | Apr 9, 2021 | Reflections
I’ve been asking for years to hear one of God’s heavenly songs, ever since He start speaking in the night to me through Christian songs. I’d get a word, comfort, or guidance as I woke to specific choruses or stanzas. As beautiful and comforting as it is to have this,...
by wolfadmin | Mar 28, 2021 | Reflections
On Palm Sunday, God led me to read and teach on one of the stories in my upcoming Parables in the Pages book. All of the stories will be based on the Bible, from the hardened warrior marching to battle Jehoshaphat, to a servant girl turned apostle, to this one: the...
by wolfadmin | Sep 26, 2020 | Dreams, Reflections
My daughter came to me that she had a dream where she was thirsty and she went to the kitchen to get water from the fridge. It was black like ours, but it didn’t have any handles, doors, or pictures on it. There was a square to get water from and she used...