Vision of the Lily Cont.

Vision of the Lily Cont.

This is a continuation of yesterday’s vision. If you haven’t read it yet, please go here and do so before continuing. It started last night when a friend pointed out how the first flower field was straight and narrow. I agreed. And I could see how the...
3/25/2020 Vision of the Lily

3/25/2020 Vision of the Lily

I was praying in tongues to the Father, not even knowing what to set my mind on. There is so much going on right now and all the little daily problems still exist on top of the big problems of COVID-19 and our current state of affairs. I got a glimpse of a field as I...


While listening to a podcast from Dr. Ron and Miriam Cohen on Omegaman Radio on the names of God, I was hit with the realization of just how profound one little verse in the Bible was. Dr. Ron was speaking the well-known Psalm 23 over the audience and verse 5 caught...


Dreams of the children. My firstborn is close with God. She always has been. Jesus saved her from nightmares and fear of “the bad pig” when she was perhaps three years old. She has visions and sees spirits at times. She saw the good and bad wolves in our...

6/12/2019 – Dreams

Attack through the dream realm is something we have all experienced. It can be horrifying or utterly shaming, waking you in sweat and screaming. Recently, my family has been going through many dream attacks, to the point that I began crying out to Jesus for an answer....


My inquisitive and spiritual daughter just called satan a “little dust eater” which initially made my day and gave me a chuckle. But as I rest on this, I’m now wondering if I’ve been missing some deeper meanings in the original curse. “On your belly you shall go and...